Colt! – Up, Up And Away (Elster-Records | Elster 05)
copyright © 2009 Elster Records

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elster05_releaseThis is the second release from the extremly talented artist Colt! The release contains four tracks from Colt! and two additional remixes, one from Peter Schumann and one from Thomas Scheffel. The mainsynthline in mainframe is very hypnotic and forward and the stumping beat moves the listener well on the floor. Oloe is a minimal, deep, spacy and duby track – nothing more, nothing less. Up And Away is a groovy minimal track which make you feel driving on the road. Saxotronik is also a deep peace of minimal music with a nice Saxophone. The remix from Peter Schumann of Up And Away is over 11 minutes minimal Stuff at its best. The last track on this release is the Up And Away remix from Thomas Scheffel. There are lots of sounds in, which blending together very smooth. From Wavetable Synths across FM Sounds spiced with sleeky rythmic delays, every pice fit its place – and its place is the dancefloor.